Greenbriar Gives Service Projects Coming Up – Help Us Reach Our Goal!
We are thrilled to announce some upcoming service projects to provide meaningful experiences for our
students. Building on last year's amazing success, when our students packaged over 1,300 meals and created more than 1,600 bracelet kits for various organizations, we are eager to make this year even more impactful.
We are teaming up with several nonprofits to facilitate these projects again, and we kindly ask that you contribute to your student's participation (a suggested donation of $25 per student). This support will enable us to purchase materials and supplies necessary for our service activities, ensuring that each student can participate fully.
Click here to make a contribution!
Greenbriar Community Dinner Features Food, Fashion Show to Celebrate Greyhound Diversity!
Thank you to everyone who came out to experience Greenbriar’s cultural diversity last week. This year’s Cultural Fair was a wonderful evening full of delicious food, a high energy performance by the Sheila Healy Academy of Irish Dancers (including our own Nora
McGlynn), an intense drum performance by Blazey Omondi accompanied by our own Frederick Reynolds and Colton Reese and culminated with a fashion show showcasing outfits from around the world. Thank you to all the families who made or brought in food for our HUGE community feast.
Thank you to our phenomenal Cultural Fair co-chairs, Jocelyn Reynolds and Tamara Reese, and their committee members Kat Stahl, Frances Hong, Supreet Dhillon, and Deborah Carlberg, who worked tirelessly to create a feel good event that was welcoming and enjoyed by everyone who came out to celebrate our Greyhound diversity.
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year from Your PTO Co-Presidents!
Hello and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited and committed to our goal of creating a supportive and caring community for all of our Greenbriar Greyhounds!! The Greenbriar PTO truly appreciates the efforts, support, and participation of all Greenbriar families and staff.
We look forward to meeting all our new families and seeing everyone soon! Come visit us at the PTO Headquarters in the front atrium during Meet the Teacher on August 20th from 1:30pm-3:00pm.
We thank you in advance for your support,
Ali Franklin & Cari Raymond Greenbriar PTO Co-Presidents
How to Log In and Purchase Your PTO Membership!
You're already on our website, so you're well on your way!
Look for the LOGIN button on the top left or log in here.
RETURNING FAMILIES: Your login will be the same as last year. Please manually update your child's teacher in Paperless PTO once classroom assignments have been sent (MY ACCOUNT > MY STUDENTS). If you have an incoming kindergartener, you can also add them on this page.
NEW FAMILIES: Welcome! Your account has been set up for you by our PTO team handling Paperless PTO. Your login should be your primary email account that was used while registering your child. There is one Paperless PTO account per family.
*When you go to Paperless PTO for the first time, click on Forgot my Password, and you can reset your account.
For any questions on your account, please e-mail: